quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

Reino colorido: Pássaros e Flôres Japonesas - Pinturas de Itō Jakuchu (1716-1800)

Itō Jakuchū, Peonies and Butterflies (J. Shakuyaku gunchō zu), c. 1757 (Hōreki 7), ink and color on silk, from Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e), set of 30 vertical hanging scrolls, c. 1757–1766, Sannomaru Shōzōkan (The Museum of the Imperial Collections), The Imperial Household Agency

Comemorando o centenário da doação do Japão das árvores de cerejeiras para a capital da nação, esta exposição apresenta um dos mais renomados tesouros culturais do Japão, o conjunto de 30 rolos de pinturas de pássaros e de flores por Itō Jakuchu.

Celebrating the centennial of Japan's gift of cherry trees to the nation's capital, this exhibition features one of Japan's most renowned cultural treasures, the 30-scroll set of bird-and-flower paintings by Itō Jakuchū.

30 março - 29 abril, 2012
National Gallery's West Building, Ground Floor

Itō Jakuchū, Old Pine Tree and Peacock (J. Rōshō kujaku zu), c. 1759–1761 (Hōreki 9–11), ink and color on silk, with gold, from Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e), set of 30 vertical hanging scrolls, c. 1757–1766, Sannomaru Shōzōkan (The Museum of the Imperial Collections), The Imperial Household Agency

Intitulado Reino Colorido dos Seres Vivos (J. Dōshoku sai-e; c. 1757-1766), estes pergaminhos extraordinários estão sendo emprestados para a Galeria Nacional de Arte pela Casa Imperial.

Titled Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e; c. 1757–1766), these extraordinary scrolls are being lent to the National Gallery of Art by the Imperial Household.

Itō Jakuchū, Nandina and Rooster (J. Nanten yūkei zu), c. 1761–1765 (Hōreki 11– Meiwa 2), ink and color on silk, from Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e), set of 30 vertical hanging scrolls, c. 1757–1766, Sannomaru Shōzōkan (The Museum of the Imperial Collections), The Imperial Household Agency

Sua exposição em Washington por um mês apenas oferece uma única oportunidade na vida: não sòmente é a primeira vez que todas as 30 pinturas poderão ser vistas nos Estados Unidos, mas é também a primeira vez que qualquer uma das obras serão mostradas aqui depois de seu restaurauro de seis anos.

Their exhibition here—for one month only—provides a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: not only is it the first time all 30 paintings will be on view in the United States, but it is also the first time any of the works will be seen here after their six-year-long restoration.

Itō Jakuchū, Wild Goose and Reeds (J. Rogan zu), c. 1765–1766 (Meiwa 2–3), ink and color on silk, from Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e), set of 30 vertical hanging scrolls, c. 1757–1766, Sannomaru Shōzōkan (The Museum of the Imperial Collections), The Imperial Household Agency

Reino Colorido se destaca como a mais dinâmica e compreensiva, meditativa e destilada expressão do mundo natural em toda a arte japonesa.

Colorful Realm stands as the most dynamic and comprehensive—yet meditative and distilled—expression of the natural world in all of Japanese art.

Itō Jakuchū, Fish (J. Shogyo zu), c. 1765–1766 (Meiwa 2–3), ink and color on silk, from Colorful Realm of Living Beings (J. Dōshoku sai-e), set of 30 vertical hanging scrolls, c. 1757–1766, Sannomaru Shōzōkan (The Museum of the Imperial Collections), The Imperial Household Agency

Sintetizando diversas tradições do leste asiático das pinturas de pássaros e flores, o conjunto apresenta cada uma de seus 30 temas em detalhes maravilhosamente meticulosos, mas de tal modo a transcender aparências e captar a essência de outra forma inefável, vital do cosmos, o Buda a própria natureza.

Synthesizing numerous East Asian traditions of bird-and-flower painting, the set depicts each of its 30 subjects in wondrously meticulous detail, but in such a way as to transcend surface appearances and capture the otherwise ineffable, vital essence of the cosmos, the Buddha nature itself.

Itō Jakuchū, The Buddha Śākyamuni (J. Shaka nyorai), from Śākyamuni Triptych (J. Shaka sanson zō), c. first half of the 1760s (Hōreki 11– Meiwa 2), set of three hanging scrolls, ink and colors on silk, Jōtenkaku Museum, Shōkokuji Monastery, Kyoto

Para apresentar o significado completo do Reino Colorido, a exposição e seu catálogo reunem esta obra-prima com o tríptico Jakuchu de Buda Sakyamuni do mosteiro Zen Shokokuji em Kyoto. Jakuchu havia doado os dois trabalhos para o mosteiro, que exibia em uma sala grande templo durante os rituais budistas.

To present the full significance of Colorful Realm, the exhibition and its catalogue reunite this masterpiece with Jakuchū's triptych of the Buddha Śākyamuni from the Zen monastery Shōkokuji in Kyoto. Jakuchū had donated both works to the monastery, which displayed them in a large temple room during Buddhist rituals.



The National Gallery of Art
4th and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20565

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