segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012

Tom Wesselmann, Uma Retrospectiva

Tom Wesselmann, Great American Nude no 1, 1961, Techniques mixtes et collage sur panneau, 11,7 x 13,3 cm, Succession Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Succession Tom Wesselmann / SODRAC, Montréal / VAGA, New York (2012), Photo : Jeffrey Sturges, New York.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

May 19-October 7, 2012

Tom Wesselmann, Quick Sketch from the Train (Italy) No. 2, 1987, Enamel on cut-out steel, 114.30 x 254 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Jeffrey Sturges.

Tom Wesselmann (1931-2004) foi um dos maiores artistas da pop art norte-americana.
Famoso desde os  anos 1960 pelas suas séries  "Great American Nude"  e naturezas-mortas, desde a sua morte, ele é o único de seus contemporâneos associados a esse movimento artístico seminal do século 20 que ainda não teve uma grande exposição dedicada ao seu trabalho .

Tom Wesselmann (1931-2004) was one of the greatest American Pop artists. 
Famous from the early 1960s for his “Great American Nude” series and still lifes, since his death he is nonetheless the only one of his contemporaries associated with that seminal 20th-century art movement who has not yet had a major exhibition devoted to his work. 

Tom Wesselmann, Interior No. 2, 1964, Acrylic and collage, including working fan, clock and fluorescent light, 152.40 x 121.92 x 12.70 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Jeffrey Sturges.

Uma exposição única do trabalho do artista foi montada no Japão em 1993 e viajou para a Europa no ano seguinte. Vista com exclusividade no Canadá , a exposição Tom Wesselmann: Uma Retrospectiva mostra a evolução do trabalho deste artista, cujo foco sobre o processo de estilização transforma-o num herdeiro tal como os grandes mestres franceses Ingres e Matisse.

A single survey exhibition of the artist’s work was mounted in Japan in 1993 and travelled to Europe the following year. On view in a Canadian exclusive, the exhibition Tom Wesselmann: A Retrospective shows the evolution in the work of this artist, whose focus on the process of stylization casts him as an heir to such great French masters as Ingres and Matisse. 

Tom Wesselmann, Bedroom Painting No. 38, 1978, Oil on canvas, 213.36 x 246.38 cm, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Washington, D.C., © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Lee Stalsworth.

Sua interpretação da história da arte e da definição de gêneros levou-o, juntamente com Roy Lichtenstein e Andy Warhol, a inventar uma nova, Pop, estética. A exposição reúne cerca de 150 obras - 75 pinturas, além de plásticos baixos-relevos, recortes e esculturas em madeira policromada, um número muito grande delas - representando série mais importante do artista, bem como 75 desenhos e maquetes preliminares.

His interpretation of the history of art and the definition of genres led him, along with Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, to invent a new, Pop, aesthetic. The exhibition brings together some 150 works — 75 paintings, plus plastic bas-reliefs, cut-outs and polychrome wood sculptures, a number of them very large — representing the artist’s most significant series, as well as 75 preliminary drawings and maquettes. 

Tom Wesselmann, Still Life No. 49, 1964, Mixed media and assemblage on board (with polymer paint and Grip-Flex paint on plastic), 152.40 x 121.92 x 36.19 cm, Jombihis Corporation a/s Fashion Concepts Inc. (Mugrabi Collection), © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012).

Materiais de arquivo (fotos, cartas, livros e revistas, outdoors e outros) aumentam ainda mais a apresentação. Através de grandes obras, algumas das quais nunca antes expostas, a retrospectiva se esforça para demonstrar o significado histórico e relevância contemporânea deste grande mestre americano. Dispõe de empréstimos de várias coleções públicas e privadas, bem como do espólio do artista. A exposição foi organizada pela Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, com a colaboração do espólio de Tom Wesselmann, Nova York.

Archival materials (photographs, letters, books and magazines, billboards and so on) further enhances the presentation. Through major works, some of which have never before been exhibited, the retrospective endeavours to demonstrate the historical significance and contemporary relevance of this great American master. It features loans from various leading public and private collections, as well as from the artist’s estate. The exhibition was organized by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, with the collaboration of the Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York.

Tom Wesselmann, Sunset Nude with Matisse Odalisque, 2003, Oil on canvas, 304.8 x 254 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann / SODRAC, Montreal / VAGA, New York (2011). Photo Jeffrey Sturges.

A maioria das pessoas estão cientes de carreira brilhante de Tom Wesselmann como um pintor. No entanto, entre muitas outras coisas, ele era também um fã devoto da música country e um prolífico compositor nesse gênero musical. A música não era apenas um hobby para Tom Wesselmann, mas outra saída criativa, onde colocou sua energia.  Até o final de sua vida, ele havia escrito mais de 400 canções, algumas das quais foram gravadas.

Most people are aware of Tom Wesselmann’s brilliant career as a painter. However, amongst many other things, he was also a devoted fan of country music and a prolific songwriter in that musical genre. Music was not simply a hobby for Tom Wesselmann, but another creative outlet, and he put all his energy into it. By the end of his life, he had written over 400 songs, a number of which were recorded. 

Tom Wesselmann, Sketchbook Page of Tulips, 1985-1996, Alkyd oil on cut-out aluminum, 186.69 x 157.48 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Jeffrey Sturges.

Uma de suas composições,  I Love Doing Texas with You, cantada por Kevin Trainor, ainda ganhou uma certa notoriedade ao ser incluída na trilha sonora do filme de Ang Lee Brokeback Mountain. Dado o lugar que a música ocupa agora no Museu, algumas das obras musicais Tom Wesselmann também são exibidas na exposição.

One of his compositions, I Love Doing Texas with You, sung by Kevin Trainor, even gained a certain amount of notoriety by being included on the soundtrack for the Ang Lee film Brokeback Mountain. Given the place that music now occupies at the Museum, some of Tom Wesselmann’s musical works are also showcased in the exhibition.

Tom Wesselmann, Smoker No.1 (Mouth, 12), 1967, Oil on shaped canvas (two parts), 276.6 x 216 cm, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Susan Morse Hilles Fund, 1968, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann / SODRAC, Montreal / VAGA, New York (2012), Photo Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY.

Organizada cronologicamente, a exposição examina toda a série que fez a artista famoso.

Organized chronologically, the exhibition examines all the series that made the artist famous.

Tom Wesselmann, Great American Nude No. 54, 1964, Oil and collage on canvas, 304.8 x 243.8 cm (two parts), The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann / SODRAC, Montreal / VAGA, New York (2012), Photo Jeffrey Sturges.

Tom Wesselmann, Great American Nude No. 52, 1963, Acrylic, fabric and printed paper collage on panel, 152.30 x 121.92 x 4 cm, The Berardo Collection, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012).

Tom Wesselmann, Standing Nude (Variation No. 7), 1985, Enamel on cut-out steel, 140 x 45.50 x 0.5 cm, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: MMFA, Christine Guest.

Tom Wesselmann, Still Life No. 35, 1963, Oil and collage on canvas, 304.80 x 487.68 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Jeffrey Sturges.

Tom Wesselmann, Monica Sitting with Mondrian (Variation No. 3), 1988, Enamel on cut-out steel, 154.94 x 105.41 cm, The Estate of Tom Wesselmann, New York, © Estate of Tom Wesselmann/SODRAC, Montreal/VAGA, New York (2012), Photo: Jeffrey Sturges

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Tom Wesselmann, A Retrospective
May 19-October 7, 2012

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