Pierre Bonnard
Lady at the Mirror, circa 1905
Oil on canvas
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich
de 04.07 a 30.09.2013
Munich – Neue Pinakothek

Édouard Vuillard
Café Scene, 1899
Distemper on paper
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich
Paris intensa, como é o título dado por Félix Vallotton a uma série de litografias feitas em 1893/94, na qual ele lança um olhar moderno na metrópole francesa. Vallotton fica sob a pele de Paris e apresenta aos espectadores uma realidade concentrada e intensificada que é completamente oposta da Belle-Époque de quinquilharia, afetação e elegância.
Paris intense, such is the title given by Félix Vallotton to a series of lithographs made in 1893/94 in which he takes a modern look at the French metropolis. Vallotton gets beneath the skin of Paris and presents viewers with a concentrated and intensified reality which is quite the opposite of Belle-Époque trumpery, affectation and elegance.

Maurice Denis
Summer’s Day on the Island of Noirmoutier, 1903
Oil on canvas
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich
Apenas um pouco antes ele tinha levado com um grupo de artistas chamado Os Nabis (hebraico para "profetas" ou "Iluminados"). A linguagem formal heterodoxa deste círculo de jovens estudantes da Academia Julian deram uma nova aparência para os cartazes, revistas, interiores e design no fin-de-siècle de Paris.
Only a short while before he had taken up with a group of artists called les Nabis (Hebrew for ‘prophets’ or ‘enlightened ones’). The unorthodox formal language of this circle of young students at the Académie Julian gave a new face to posters, journals, interiors and stage design in fin-de-siècle Paris.

Pierre Bonnard
Lady at the Mirror, circa 1905
Oil on canvas
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich
Esta exposição apresenta obras dos Nabis e de precursores como Gauguin, Van Gogh e Puvis de Chavannes de coleções próprias e da Neue Pinakothek.
This exhibition presents works by the Nabis and such precursors as Gauguin, van Gogh and Puvis de Chavannes from the Neue Pinakothek’s own collections.

Felix Vallotton
Misia Godebska-Natanson, 1898
Gouache auf Pappe, auf Holz geklebt
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, München
Complementando a apresentação uma série de importantes exposições do Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München e vários empréstimos requintados de outras fontes externas.
Complementing the presentation will be a number of important exhibits from the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München and several exquisite loans from other external sources.

Maximilien Luce
Seinequai in Paris, 1899
Öl auf Leinwand
©Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, München
The exhibition does not attempt to present all members of this group of artists. Instead, by selecting paintings and sculptures by Bonnard, Vuillard, Vallotton, Sérusier, Denis and Maillol which are characteristically Nabis, the exceptional quality of their works in the Neue Pinakothek is to be placed in focus.

Pierre Bonnard
La Revue blanche, 1894
Vierfarbige Lithographie auf Papier
©Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München

Felix Vallotton
Deuxième Bureau, aus der Serie «Paris intense», 1893/94
©Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
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