Explore the musical pastimes of the 17th-century Netherlands through this exhibition combining the art of Vermeer and his contemporaries with rare musical instruments, songbooks and live music.
26 June - 8 September 2013
The National Gallery London - Sainsbury Wing Exhibition
The Music Lesson or Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman by Johannes Vermeer, also known as Jan Vermeer
Pela primeira vez, na National Gallery duas pinturas de Vermeer, uma jovem mulher em pé ao virginal e uma jovem mulher sentada ao virginal estão reunidas com o Tocador de Guitarra de Vermeer, empréstimo excepcional do Legado Iveagh, Kenwood House.
For the first time the National Gallery’s two paintings by Vermeer, A Young Woman standing at a Virginal and A Young Woman seated at a Virginal are brought together with Vermeer’s Guitar Player, which is currently on exceptional loan from the Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood House.
The Lute Player, 1624 (oil on canvas), Brugghen, Hendrick Ter (1588-1629) / Private Collection
Três dias por semana os visitantes podem experimentar performances ao vivo no espaço expositivo pela Academia de Música Antiga, trazendo as pinturas à vida com a música do período.
Three days a week visitors can experience live performances in the exhibition space by the Academy of Ancient Music, bringing the paintings to life with music of the period.
A Musical Party - 1631, Jacob van Velsen
A música foi um dos temas mais populares da pintura holandesa, e levou muitas associações diversas. Nos retratos, um instrumento musical ou songbook pode sugerir a posição social da educação ou a babá, em cenas da vida cotidiana, pode atuar como uma metáfora para a harmonia, ou um símbolo de transitoriedade.
A Woman Playing A Lute by (after) Gerard Ter Borch
Music was one of the most popular themes in Dutch painting, and carried many diverse associations. In portraits, a musical instrument or songbook might suggest the education or social position of the sitter; in scenes of everyday life, it might act as a metaphor for harmony, or a symbol of transience.
A Young Woman playing a Harpsichord to a Young Man probably 1659, Jan Steen
A exposição exibe virginais do século 17 (um tipo de cravo), guitarras e alaúdes, juntamente com as pinturas para oferecer uma visão única para escolha dos instrumentos dos pintores, e a diferença entre os instrumentos reais e da maneira em que os pintores escolheram para representá-los .
Lady Standing at a Virginal is a genre painting created by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in about 1670-1672 and now in the National Gallery, London.
The exhibition displays 17th-century virginals (a type of harpsichord), guitars and lutes alongside the paintings to offer unique insights into the painters’ choice of instruments, and the difference between the real instruments and the way in which the painters chose to represent them.
Lady Seated at a Virginal, also known as Young Woman Seated at a Virginal, is a genre painting created by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in about 1670-1672 and now in the National Gallery, London.
The Guitar Player is a 1672 painting by Jan Vermeer, usually on display in Kenwood House, London as part of the Iveagh Bequest. In 2012 Kenwood closed for renovations until autumn 2013, and the painting is on display in the National Gallery for this period, next to their own two Vermeers
Barak Norman Cello
Barak Norman Bass Viola da Gamba, London 1700
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